Saturday, December 28, 2019
How to Follow Up on Job Applications 11 Tips
How to Follow Up on Job Applications 11 Tips How to Follow Up on Job Applications 11 Tips 10Theres nothing like reading a job listing and feeling that this could be the perfect job for you. So you apply to the position- and then its crickets.Unfortunately, this can (and does) happen a whole lot when youre job searching. The hiring process can drag on for weeks (and sometimes months), and the waiting can be absolute agony. If you really want to know if youre in the running for the job, you should follow up on your job application.Heres how to do it the right wayHere are 11 tips on how to follow up on job applications1. Reread the listing.Before you do anything, read the job description over again thoroughly. career coach Toni Frana offers this advice Pay attention to dates or timelines that may be included in the posting. In the job posting, a company may mention when the application window closes. Once you apply, you wouldnt want to follow up prior to that date. Instead, use the opp ortunity to keep applying for other positionsIf the date has already passed and you didnt hear anything from the employer, it might be time to put a pin in it and move on for now.2. Be respectful.In some scenarios, the job listing might state for applicants tonot call or schmelzglas for their status. If thats the case, you should abide by the employers wishes and refrain from reaching out. Although it can be totally frustrating to wait it out, you shouldnt follow up- even though you really want to. If you ignore the request, the recruiter will think you either did not read the job listing carefully or that you do not follow directions well.3. Be brief.Its a good idea to know what youre going to say before following up on a job application. So whether you opt to call the hiring manager, email, or send a LinkedIn message,try to keep your contact as brief as possible.Its important to keep your correspondence short, as hiring managers and recruiters are likely receiving emails and notes from dozens of other candidates as well, so brevity is key. Your email or note should express two key things your continued interest in the job, and a question about when candidates can expect to hear about next steps, says Frana.4. Be professional.Just because you sent in your application or actually got to speak with the hiring manager doesnt mean that youre bosom buddies. Being overly personal or casual is a mistake. Recruiters and hiring managers are friendly, and it is their job to talk to several people about a position. They dont, however, have time to become personal friends with everyone they interview. Even if your initial interaction was excellent, be professional and respect personal boundaries when following up on job applications.5. Ask a follow-up question.Sure, you know that you really just want to find out if you got the gig or not. But in order to justify your follow up,you might want to pose a question to the employer. If theyre still receiving applications, you can ask when they expect to start narrowing down their decisions and when interviews will begin. This can give you a guideline of when you can expect to hear back.6. Know the right timing.While you might want tofollow up on a job application just a few days after submitting it, you should probably wait a little longer. Frana suggests Unless the job posting specifically states the application closing window, in which case that gives you a target date for follow-up, waiting about a week or two before following up on applications is a good rule of thumb. In general, this gives the hiring team enough time on their end to review received applications.7. Pick the right day.If there are two days to avoid following up with someone, it is Monday and Friday. Monday is often a busy transition day as people move back into work mode. As for Friday, if the person doesnt see your email, it may get buried under a weekends worth of emails. Ideally, stick with Tuesday through Thursday for following u p on job applications.8. Use your connections.Maybe your former colleague (or your Aunt Marty) is friends with one of the execs at the new company you want to work for. Go through your business and personal contacts tosee if you know anyone who can help you get your foot in the door- or get your resume placed at the head of the pile. Explain the role that youre looking to get, and everything that qualifies you for the job, such as your education, skills set, and work experience. But dont stop there- be aya to offer your assistance to the person, too. That way, they might be more amenable to helping you as well.You can also use LinkedIn to see if you have anyone in your network who might have a connection to the company youd like to work for. If you do, you can always reach out and see if that person has some inside intel on the job. Depending on your relationship with the person,you might be able to ask for a recommendationor for the person to put in a good word for you.9. Get socia l.Jump on the social media bandwagon and Like the companys Facebook page and follow their Twitter feed. In todays job market, companies want to find an employee with the right skill set and someone who fits in with the company culture. Showing and expressing interest in the company can be done through engaging with them on social media. Follow the company page on LinkedIn and other platforms. Like and comment on their posts as this shows the team you are enthused about what they are doing, suggests Frana.10. Give a call.If you havent heard back about your job application after two weeks,its perfectly acceptable to call the hiring manager unless the listing states otherwise. You can say Hi, Im following up on an application that I sent. Im very interested in the role and your company, and I just wanted to ensure that you received it. This way youll know if the person is still sorting through resumes or if the position has already been filled. Then, listen to what the person says.If t hey say that theyre in the preliminary stages of vetting candidates and going through applications, you can ask if they know a timeline with when theyll be in touch with candidates. If you dont receive a phone call or an email during the time period specified, you are probably not a contender for the position.11. Let them know youre in demand.If the company has expressed interest in you as a candidate for the job, but you havent heard anything since that initial contact, you can try to speed up the process by letting them know that other companies are interested in you- if and only if thats true. If you do have other companies interested in you, but are interested in a particular position, you can think about letting them know youre in demand. Simply stating in your follow-up email that you continue to be very interested in the position, but are also exploring other opportunities can be a gentle way to nudge a company along, says Frana.Dont use any sort of threatening language, and be careful that you dont come off as egotistical. But subtly letting them know youre in demand can be a smart tactic, as it mayencourage companies to look at you more seriouslyand/or move things along in the process.While you may feel like youre bothersome, knowing how to follow up on a job application could be the difference between getting interviews and not making any progress. Following up is an expected part of the application process, so be proactive about getting the job you wantWant to talk through your job search and career questions with someone? Register for career coaching todayBOOK YOUR COACHING APPOINTMENT NOW This is a version of a post that was
Monday, December 23, 2019
Survey Number of teens using Facebook plummets since 2015
Survey Number of teens using Facebook plummets since 2015Survey Number of teens using Facebook plummets since 2015Your teenager might ditch Facebook soon, if they havent already - recent research from the Pew Research Center found that 51% of Americans age 13 to 17 report using the platform, down from71% in 2014-2015, when it was the fruchtwein popular social media platform surveyed.So what has taken Facebooks place?YouTube was the most popular platform surveyed this year, with 85% of teenagers saying they use it, and 32% reporting that they use it most often.While 88% of American teenagers report that they have or have access to a computer in the form of a desktop or laptop, 95% say the same thing for smartphones.What social media platforms teens are usingThe research found that American teenagers are using these.YouTube 85% report using it, 32% report using it most oftenInstagram 72% report using it, 15% report using it most oftenSnapchat 69% report using it, 35% report using it m ost oftenFacebook 51% report using it, 10% report using it most oftenTwitter 32% report using it, 3% report using it most oftenTumblr 9% report using it, less than 1% report using it most oftenReddit 7% report using it, 1% report using it most oftenNone 3% say they dont use any of these platforms, and the same percentage say they use none of them most oftenPew notes that respondents werent asked about YouTube or Reddit in the 2014-2015 survey.Facebook varies depending on household incomeThe 2018 research found that the most teens living in homes with annual incomes of less than $30,000 use Facebook, at 70%. But the percentages keep dropping as the income brackets go up, with 56% of teens in households earning $30,000 to $74,999 yearly and 36% of those in households earning a minimum of $75,000 yearly saying that they use it.How much teens use the internet and how they think social media affects themThe research found that while 45% of American teenagers in 2018 report being online a lmost constantly using either a computer or a cellphone, 24% said so in 2014-2015.While 45% of American teenagers in 2018 report being online almost constantly using a computer or a cellphone, 24% said so in 2014-2015. Forty-four percent in 2018 said they do it several times a day, versus 56% on 2014-2015. Eleven percent in 2018 said they do it less often, compared to 20% in 2014-2015.Teens also seemed split as to how social media impacted their lives with 31% saying it had a mostly positive effect and 24% saying it was mostly negative.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Moving Forward After a Negative Performance Review -The Muse
Moving Forward After a Negative Performance Review -The MuseMoving Forward After a Negative Performance Review When you begin a new position, its leid uncommon to feel special. As the new guy or girl, you bring a shiny, fresh perspective, and your anfhrer makes it seem like the possibilities are endless. That is- until your first performance review. You know, that dreaded moment when your manager sits you down and provides critical feedback.Once this happens, you may feel defensive (and even resentful)- especially if youre told that your work isnt up to par. Suddenly, you find yourself questioning your managers every move and delegated task. You may even be imagining that your boss is out to get you and declaring all of the reasons youre right- both of which are counterproductive and could put your job (or at least your reputation) in jeopardy. Wait, what just happened? Everything welches going so well. The truth is that it all comes down to ego. You see, when you are sought after an d in the recruitment stages of a position, your ego is getting plenty to eat. But when the honeymoon phase is threatened with a dose of reality, you have a flash of insecurity. Because, what if you arent the amazing employee you sold your company on? When its not being sustained by flattery and praise, the ego survives on anger. So the natural reaction is to feel defensive, as if your manager was unjustified in giving you feedback. She must pay- and the ego takes it from there. But what if you could skip all of the negative feelings and, instead, settle into a new phase that could lead to a happier and more productive relationship with your boss? The good nachrichten is you can. Now, dont get me wrong Ill admit that the first bruise of the ego in any relationship is always the hardest, but once you are done licking your wounds, you will realize that a bad day for the ego is actually a great day for your growth and long-term professional relationships. While a poor review hurts, it p rovides you with the information you need to immediately start doing a better job. The key lies in what you ultimately do with the feedback from that point on. So, how does one silence the ego, take feedback in stride, and channel it for the better? Here are a few suggestions.1. Ditch Your StoryFirst things first, you need to realize that a large part of your stress is from your story, not your reality. You have the same job and the same boss you loved just before your meeting- nothing has really changed except how youre framing the situation in your head.So, try this Write down what you are telling yourself internally and then fact check. Edit your story by asking yourself, Do I know this to be true? You will soon realize that many of the conclusions you are making about your boss or situation (e.g., My boss just has it out for me) arent necessarily true. Rewriting that story will bring you back to reality and enable you to move forward- which is much better than dwelling on the ne gativity in your head.2. Keep it PrivateYou would be furious if your boss gave you feedback in public or talked about you to others, right? So dont go there yourself. Too often, what begins as a private conversation becomes a drama-fest when you hash everything out with your colleagues, the janitor, and whoever else will listen. I know- youre looking for validation that you are awesome and your boss is wrong. And while thats not entirely out of bounds, you are putting a lot at risk when you start airing your dirty laundry out at work. Managers are legally bound to protect employee confidentiality, and keeping your review private on your end demonstrates respect and maturity. Complaining about what a jerk your boss is makes you look unprofessional- and doesnt do anything to dispute a less-than-stellar review. 3. Own Your ActionsIts tempting (and easy) to blame everyone around you- including your boss- for poor outcomes. However, the more rewarding path in life comes from a place of p ersonal accountability, not blame. You have a choice to be right or to be happy. You can either spend a ton of energy feeling undervalued by your boss, or you can listen carefully and adapt your behavior to succeed in spite of the circumstances. So, dont consider suggestions from your boss as feedback, reframe them as feedforward. Your manager is there to help you grow. Think about it She likely wouldnt take the time to help you understand what needs to be worked on if she didnt feel you had the potential to get there to begin with Once you stop focusing on whats happening to you and focus instead on what you can do to move forward, youll move closer to the results youre looking for. 4. Use Feedback in the FutureFeedback wont stall your career- but stagnating will. So, look at your boss as the valuable coach he is and demonstrate that youre willing to learn and grow. What if youve accepted that he might be on to something, but youre still not quite sure how to avoid being defensive when hit with a negative critique? You dont have to say that youre thrilled to receive critical feedback, but you should absolutely be able to manage the cordial, Thank you for giving me that feedback. Asking a question is another great option. Try, Could you give me an example of a situation I might have handled differently, so that Ill know what to work on in the future?Remember that a tough situation can be your greatest teacher. If you messed up, youll know how to avoid a similar issue the next time around. And even you still think what you did was OK, youve learned your new boss preferences- which can be half the battle. Want to get back to that job you loved enough to accept and to that boss who supports you? Its much easier than you might think, and you have the power to make it happen. At the first sign of the honeymoon ending, check your ego at the door, use negative feedback as an opportunity for growth, and choose to move forward. Prove that- despite the circumstances- yo u really are the rock star the company thought you were, and you will reap the rewards. Photo of unhappy worker courtesy of Shutterstock.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Three Hiring Metrics Recruiters Check First
Three Hiring Metrics Recruiters Check FirstThree Hiring Metrics Recruiters Check FirstAuthor David Snyder explains the metrics and equations recruiters and hiring managers apply to every job candidate and hiring decision.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Fundamentals of How to Write an Objective for a Resume Revealed
The Fundamentals of How to Write an Objective for a Resume Revealed Hiring managers want to be aware of if youll have to relocate. Resumes are critical to the work hunt. Take a look at our expansive cover letter collection for those ideas you need to create a winning cover letter. If you are searching for a position that will involve overseeing a whole company, division of a business or a particular location or region, among the subsequent bewertungs might be appropriate for you. Pick the relevant phrases to construct your very own own resume objective gutachten that directly meets the requirements of the particular bank teller position youre applying for. The following will provide you with a covering letter template in order for your cv and covering letter make the utmost impression. As its said, first impressions are extremely important to form a long-term customer relationship with a customer, and as a call center professional you need to make sure the client has a superi or interaction when you speak. In various ways, an objective replaces a lot of the detail you would place in your professional experience section. When creating your resume being precise about who you are what you need to offer is crucial to achieving the message youre trying to imply. To sum up, when applying for work at a call center, obtaining the appropriate set of skills is critical. A sample can help make certain that you dont leave out important abilities or necessary specifics. If you include either, make certain it underscores your interest in the sort of work for which youre applying. A resume is a significant document that is used at the right time of sending an application for work or a program. Top How to Write an Objective for a Resume Choices Soon, you might have an all-star resume that attracts a possible employer You have to get over how youd be of advantage to the employer. Writing an objective statement isnt a bit of cake. Everybody would like to underst and what you can do to help their organization. Writing an effective resume is also quite vital for you. Sample resume objectives should be utilized as references, dependent on which you can make your own resumes. There are a number of good formats. The most frequent format is chronological. You will need to ask yourself several questions regarding the career path you wish to pursue. Theres a long field of career objective examples that can be put in on entry level resumes. As a result, while your resume objective should consist of information on the career that you would like, you also need to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. Just try to remember that every career objective needs to be tailored to react to that particular position. Whenever you would like to emphasize that youre ambitious, that you understand what you want in a career, or you have the skills for the particular job, you could benefit from a resume objective. Resume objectives can be a little controversial. An objective is a brief statement that clarifies your goals concerning the sort of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. Youve got to present your qualifications and your skills in a sense that will catch the interest of a hiring manager, and among the best approaches to do that is via the aim statement on your resume. Therefore, if youre looking to go into the area of nursing then make certain you craft a good resume. Focusing on gathering all of the info necessary to create a superior objective is a rather important key in resume success. Unlike profiles, there isnt any need to find fancy once you are writing an objective. A great sample medical resume objective will state what you wish to achieve to your medical resume. Writing an effective resume isnt a simple endeavor, it needs a crystal clear cut dedication and acquaintance about the self. The absolute most efficient objective is one which is tailored to the job youre applying for.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Why Everyone Is Talking About Resume Writing Checklist Example
Why Everyone Is Talking About Resume Writing Checklist Example Your key skills must be suitably exposed. More so, it will likewise depend on the kind of job you want to have and the industry where youd like to get involved in. Every job that youve ever had. The secret to a thriving job or graduate school search is to communicate with whoever has the capacity to hire or admit. Leadership isnt a position or title, its action and example. What you exclude is at least as vital as what you include. With a resume checklist, you can stay away from mistakes and give a prospective employer with the precise information they are seeking, Rasmussen states. Developing a new checklist is an interesting and enjoyable approach to help or assist you in remembering goals or action program which should be accomplished. Understanding Resume Writing Checklist Example One has to be clear, as to which are the most typical mistakes that are created in creating a resume and the way they may be a voided. As soon as you have written and organized your information according to the kind of resume youve chosen, make sure to format it according to typical professional standards. Employing a template in creating your Resume Format can be helpful should you are in need of a guide concerning the essential content and the right format. Resume writing formats incorporate whole collection of categories of profession to pick the most suitable format. It is wise to have a very clear idea regarding what are the specifications of the photo that should be attached in your resume. Below are a few of the ideal catering event checklist examples and templates that you may find upon the web. For you to be guided, here is a catering permit checklist that could assist you. You may think such checklist as your basic inventory program and all you need to do is to check off the things that you have accomplished so that you wont be in a position to forget about completing it as you proceed thr ough the remaining part of the things on your list. Second, from that first resume draw only the points related to your existing job search and make work resumethis is the one that you hand out. There are a lot of basic kinds of resumes used to make an application for job openings. When you make an application for a job there are a number of other candidates who desire to find the very same job and submit resume for the exact same. Alternatively, you should list your prior jobs in a manner that showcases what you brought to every position. Checklist uses arent only restricted to grocery items but can also be utilized in a range of interesting and beneficial ways. A resume introduction is the statement that you must make and put following your contact details. Resume writing templates are segregated into various types based on the profession and achievements of an individual. As a recommendation it is best to check examples and understand the essentials of the education sec tion. Whenever your deadline is tight, you will likely write us nervously write my essay and think well see what you need from 1 sentence. You may also Book Writing Template. Therefore, using resume writing templates offering sequential writing format will help you to get noticed.
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